This week we celebrated Isaiah’s 3rd birthday. We started our celebrations 21 days before with Isaiah’s birthday countdown calendar. He had a lot of fun opening each door and getting a surprise for the day. He even made me a countdown calendar … funny, most of the days on mine are “Mommy and Daddy go out on a date and Becca and Isaiah watch a movie with Miss Lauren.”

Several family members sent gifts for Isaiah, which we spread out opening the week of Isaiah’s birthday. He had a blast playing with his gifts.

Isaiah requested spaghetti for dinner and a chocolate truck cake. This was my first time to make the cake and frosting from scratch. (Don’t think I’ll ever want to use a box cake again.) Frosting a cake in hot season is not an easy task. I had to put it in the fridge three times during the frosting process so the cake wouldn’t run away.

Our neighbor and favorite babysitting, Miss Lauren, came over for cake. Isaiah was so excited that Miss Lauren came to his birthday. After Miss Lauren arrived the grins could not have gotten bigger!

Becca wrote and Illustrated a book for Isaiah’s birthday. He was also excited to get a coupon book from us in his very own plastic tub. His big gift started with a scavenger hunt with the last clue being our cars keys under his pillow…

Isaiah’s had a good third year. He has a contagious laugh and an endearing smile. His biggest big boy change was being completely potty trained at two and a half. He weighs 30.8 lbs. and is 3ft. tall. He loves running around, playing with the neighborhood puppies, reading books, doing “school”, playing with his sisters, and cutting paper. He always wants to help: cooking, cleaning, hanging the laundry; you name it and he wants to help with it. He’s also becoming good at being quiet in our nightly hide-from-Daddy-before-bed time.
Isaiah loves talking and telling stories. He comes up with the most interesting stories, usually part truth and part made up. If we ask him what his favorite part of the day was, he usually tells about something that happened weeks ago. It’s really cute watching him play with Little People animals. He does really cute voices.

This year we’ve seen Isaiah grow in faith. He’s gone from saying he doesn’t believe in Jesus to saying he believes that Jesus died for his sin and that he wants to turn away from his sin. It’s been neat to see the Spirit gently changing Isaiah’s heart and turning him toward Christ. We continue to pray that God will grow Isaiah in trust and faith in Christ and that he will grow in his understanding of the Gospel.
Being mommy to a little boy is a wonderful thing. Sure there’s the crying, whining, etc. There’s moments of frustration and not knowing how to deal with a situation. There’s the worry about whether the world and all its desires will destroy my little man. There’s the grief at the futures battles his heart will have to fight. But being Isaiah’s mommy is a time to grow in faith and not fear. Faith that God will work in Isaiah’s heart and do His good will for him. Faith that it is God who changes hearts, not mommy. Thank you God for Isaiah: please work your perfect will for his life.