One of our prayers this past year has been for our children’s smooth transition to Cambodia. We have seen the Lord answer this in so many way – our children are thriving here. But once in a while Becca gets a little emotional about everything she left behind in TX. One thing she is especially sad about was leaving her tree in Texas. It was a large oak tree that had a split trunk she would play house in.
Well, where we live now, our street has a small courtyard area with a tree. And Becca has found that she enjoys climbing it. Last week Becca told me that she wasn’t sad about missing her tree in Texas anymore because God gave her a new tree that she could climb. God cares about the little things.
A few weeks before Christmas I asked Becca if she was excited about celebrating Christmas. “Oh yes – and what I’m really excited about is my new red Christmas dress!” I tried to keep a straight face, but inside I was thinking, “WHAT! A red Christmas dress? I had no idea! Oh No!” We prayed. We weren’t sure what we would find with the time we had. Later that week we went to the Russian Market — the most famous Khmer market in the city (at least among foreigners) — and within minutes found a lovely red Christmas dress.
It’s an encouragement to see God bless our children with the little things as they grow up in Cambodia.
One unexpected blessing we’re experienced since moving here is meeting people form all over the world who are here in Cambodia to further the Gospel. Last week we had two Dutch couples over from our international church. Though we’ll only get to know them for a short while, we’ve enjoyed their friendship, and we’ve also enjoyed learning more about the Dutch.