Today at 8:08AM our flight leaves Atlanta and we are starting the trip to our new home! We will arrive in Seattle around 10:37AM (1:37 EST), fly out of Seattle at 12:25PM (3:25PM EST) and arrive in Seoul at 3:35PM (2:35AM EST), and finally fly out of Seoul at 6:45PM (5:45AM EST) and arrive in Phnom Penh at 10:10PM (11:10AM EST – July 4th).
We appreciate your prayers for our three flights: 5 hours, 11 hours, and 5 hours. The kids are excited about flying and we’ve got lots of activities packed to keep them busy. Thank you to all who contributed to their flying backpacks!
Please pray for Josh as he leads our family over to Cambodia. Pray that he will have wisdom to make decisions as we choose a home and buy other appliances, etc. during our first week there. Pray that God will give Josh good health.
Pray for me as I entertain the kids on the flight and help them with the time change (+11 hours from Eastern Time). Pray that the Lord will give me energy and keep my milk supply steady for Anna.
Pray for Becca to enjoy all the flying and to have grace, as it will be a long, long day for her. Pray that Becca will be secure in our love for her as we make so many transitions. Please pray that she will learn to love Cambodia and have a desire to learn the language.
Pray for Isaiah to be content on the flight and enjoy all the different activities. Pray that the mosquitoes will not devour him (they love him in the States).
Pray for Anna Grace to enjoying sleeping on the plane. Pray that she can adjust her feeding schedule to the new time zone.
Thank you for your prayers! As we adjust to life in Cambodia, I’ll still be posting on the blog; however, the next few weeks will just be pictures from the past month. It will be a while before I work on the blog.
[Note from Josh: if you use the WhatsApp mobile texting app, you can add Amy to your contacts list using her cell number; you can add me to your contacts list using mine. Even though our numbers will be useless as of today, you can still text us via WhatsApp. If you don’t use WhatsApp, ignore this paragraph.]