September 17 we celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day! It’s our third year making a holiday of it. We spent the morning making clay turtles, pirate dancing, and practicing our Moby Dick play for our evening performance. Supper was hotdogs and beans.
After supper we had our Pirate Performance Night (youtube link below)! Each child recited a poem: Ezra – The Raccoon, Clara – The Goops, Anna – Mr. Nobody, Isaiah – The Blind Men and the Elephant, Becca – Adventures of Isabel.
We’ve been studying sea creatures in science and the kids had listened to Moby Dick (24 hours long). Afterwards we put together a short play for our performance night. The kids did great! Anna played Ishmael, Clara played Queequey, Isaiah played Captain Ahab, and Becca played the Innkeeper and Mate Starbuck. I tried to get Ezra to be the whale, but he wasn’t interested. The play was kept a secret from Josh. I was so proud of how the kids performed for him. A huge success! Pirate Day ended with ice cream and sleeping in the tent. Actually, it ended with me killing a rat in the bathroom with a broom after everyone else was in bed!