Happy Thanksgiving! This year we’re thanking God for our little baby girl and for helping us know when to come to the hospital, so she could continue to live in the womb. We’re praising God for the safety He has given our little girl so far
and praising Him for His continual hand in our lives.
Baby J has had a rough Thanksgiving. She’s had several major decelerations and talk of delivery was in the air. The picture (right) of the heart monitor strip shows what a “decel” looks – the top graph is the baby’s heartbeat. (When the line disappears, that doesn’t mean the heart isn’t beating, just that the monitor isn’t picking it up — perhaps because of movement.) I’ve been given oxygen twice today, had my iv restarted, and was put back into the Trandelenburg position for about an hour. The doctor was called in around 2pm and has decided that if Baby J has another bout like she has had the past 4 hours, we will have to deliver. Presently the baby’s heart has stabilized and she seems to be content. We continue to thank God for His control in this situation and look forward to seeing His hand work in all our lives.
(The picture collage above: top left – Trandelenburg position, top right – Thanksgiving flowers from Steffanie, bottom left – trying to use the computer while lying down, bottom middle – reading the newspaper a elderly man [hospital volunteer] brought by, bottom right – oxygen.)
And she’s here! 🙂 Praising the Lord and praying earnestly for her continued safety and growth.
We are praying for you and for your precious daughter, Rebecca Grace.
Thank you for the update. I loved your addition to Amy’s sign on the door … “Don’t feed monkey, …” you are so funny. We have been praying for you 3! I woke up last night at 3:32 a.m. with you guys on my mind so I thought it was a good time to keep praying. Amy will be sore for awhile; c-sec. do that to a girl. It took about a week to start feeling like my old self but the first 24 hrs. is the worst. Hang in there. Can’t wait to see pictures of Rebecca Grace. Cindy
I just noticed that your count down at the top of the page continues to count the days till Becca’s due date. Maybe you should change that to how many days old she is. 🙂 We are praising the Lord for His protection and care for Amy and Becca – and rejoicing in how well Becca is progressing. Seeing pictures of Becca is definitely more fun than hearing about heart decelerations before her birth. We will keep praying!