This year we joined The Hands-on Homeschool co-op, and we are loving it. Our membership includes over 100 prerecorded classes in Art, Music, P.E., and STEM. It’s been a great help to me to not have to plan and prepare lessons for these “extra” subjects. I’m very thankful for the team who prepares and teaches all the lessons.
Our kids’ favorite subject is Art – they love the projects and our walls are now covered with their weekly projects. Often the kids do other projects with the techniques they’ve learned for the week. Sometimes I go back at night and try the project myself.
In PE, we’ve studied overhand and underhand tossing, juggling, line dancing, jump roping, hitting with a racket, and soccer skills. Not everyone is always excited about warm-ups.
I’ve added Music Memory to the Music class. We are making cards for each composer/piece we’re learning and then I quiz the kids to see if they can identify excerpts from the pieces. I’m very thankful for this opportunity. There’s no way I could have included all these classes with home schooling 4 children and having a toddler and newborn this year. I’ve been very pleased with The Hands-on Home School and would recommend it to anyone looking to add these subjects into their weekly teaching routine.
That is so fun! We are glad they are working on their overhand and underhand tossing
skills. Uncle Sterling will be pleased to hear! He will have to record a video of a football throwing lesson.