The morning 6 police come to visit….

Tuesday morning I was teaching the “olders” on the front porch when two police vehicles and a moto pulled into our driveway. Six policeman got out and began walking toward our house. As I told the kids later – no matter what country, nobody wants to see police coming for an unexpected visit. Josh was away at the office all day, so I was hoping I could handle it without calling him away from his meeting.

My heart was racing. I told Becca to pray for me! At first I thought maybe it was a visit to tell us we had had contact with a Covid case and would need to test/quarantine, however it was the Immigration Police wanting pictures of all our passports and visas. And wouldn’t you know it, all our passports were in Phnom Penh. Thankfully, Josh keeps copies of everything on our computer filing system, and I was able to pull each person’s up so they could take pictures of the pages with their phones. It took quite awhile. Just a friendly, random visit to make sure we had all the proper documents. I insisted on a picture at the end, so I could show off to Josh! He said I can have a bonus. 🙂

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