My Husband – for a godly man who loves me and our children and desires to point us all to Christ. I’m thankful for all the time Josh spends with our family. I’m thankful that he makes us priority and not just an obligation. I’m thankful for the gift God has given to me in my best friend – my man. (And I’m thankful for the popcorn Josh makes us several nights a week!)
Becca – for our precious little girl who was born three Thanksgivings ago. We’re thankful she has no negative effects from her premature birth. We’re thankful for her sense of humor, love for books, and energy. We’re thankful that Becca is healthy and cancer-free.
God’s work in Becca’s cancer – we’re so thankful Becca’s neuroblastoma was caught early and that the doctor was able to remove the tumor (containing all traces of cancer) during the surgery. We’re thankful for a complete recovery. We’re thankful for a wonderful hospital system; thankful that every morning I drove to the hospital (in Fort Worth) I was headed west instead of east into the rising sun; thankful every morning that the traffic was all headed to Dallas while I breezed into to Fort Worth; thankful that Becca never developed a fear of hospitals; thankful for Children’s Medicaid; and thankful for the many people who prayed and ministered to our family. (The picture on the right is Becca with her surgeon, Dr. Miller.)
Isaiah – we’re thankful for our delightful baby boy. We’re thankful for my safe pregnancy and his safe birth. We’re thankful for Isaiah’s sweet happy spirit. We’re thankful for a boy who sleeps through the nights, eats well, and loves social interaction.
Arlington Presbyterian Church – we’re thankful for our new church family who has been so kind in welcoming us into their body. We’re thankful that the church is only 5 minutes from our home.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! We’re so thankful for each of you and how you love the Lord and want to please Him as you serve Him together. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job helping us feel connected to your beautiful family!
And I am thankful for my wife, who makes my breakfast every morning, packs me a lunch, and sends me off with a kiss; who gave up a teaching career to take care of our kids (and me!) all day, feeding and entertaining and changing Isaiah, playing with Becca and teaching her, helping her learn about obedience and self-control and especially about God’s grace through Jesus; who writes me sweet notes and encourages me when I’m discouraged; who loves Jesus and serves Him; who cares about others and builds relationships for the sake of the Gospel; who wants to be a missionary to Cambodia with me! I love you Amy.