Daily Archives: February 1, 2024

Happy 6-Months, Maria Grace!

What a personality change we see in Maria compared to her first few months. We can now say very confidently that she is a very happy girl. She loves interacting with her siblings. Ezra has a special talent at making Maria laugh. She loves laughing at her two very silly big brothers! (Maria is pictured above with my dress.)

Maria is now army crawling and makes it quite far – I’ve given up trying to keep her on a large mat. She has also started eating oatmeal (I grind the raw oats up), and we give her large carrots to gnaw on. (My milk supply dipped really low last month – probably from all the things I can’t eat! – but since then we solved the problem by buying beef which I eat twice a day (like taking medicine :-). Thankful for our little girl and all the joy she brings our family!