Category Archives: Company

Aunt Emily Comes to Visit


DSC_4508 DSC_4493I’m guessing around the age of three, I started praying for a sister…three brothers later, I stopped. I still remember the night when I was 12 as my mom put me to bed and said she was going to Dr. Matthews the next day. I knew Dr. Matthews was the baby doctor and giggled embarrassingly as I tried to ask my mom if she was having another baby. Several weeks later my mom and I had a special date to go to the ultrasound – it’s a girl!

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June 4th my sister, Emily, came to spend two weeks with us. She was in Cambodia to serve with a doctor in another province for three weeks and planned a visit to us at the end of her trip.

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DSC_4265 DSC_4268The kids were excited to see their Aunt Emily. There’s something really special about younger aunts. They kept Emily busy all day long. I think it might have been more exhausting than working in the hospital. 🙂

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DSC_4463DSC_4273Emily’s first week we were car-less. Josh was out Monday and Tuesday doing permissions work, then he left early Wednesday morning to take someone to the hospital in Phnom Penh. He was gone for four days. I was so thankful to have Emily with us during that time. It was the first time for Josh to leave since Clara was born and it was his first time in Cambodia to be away from us for more than 2 nights.

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DSC_4378 DSC_4383Emily’s second week here we did a few more things. We visited the sleeping Buddha and watched the sunset.

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IMG_20160612_184938 IMG_20160612_185024We visited the local night market that was set up for a week and rode the bummer cars. Emily and Josh ate crickets.

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IMG_20160615_162700 IMG_20160615_163625We went in search of a waterfall with water. The first one we went to was water-less!

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IMG_20160618_133122 IMG_20160618_133649At the end of her trip Emily was able to visit Angkor Wat and some of the other temples with Josh before she flew out the next morning.

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WIMG_20160618_155706e reaIMG_20160618_163745lly enjoyed having Emily here. She was a big help and we enjoyed the extra time with her. I was blessed to spend some extra time with my grown up 21 year old sister. It was really fun to chat with her and see how much she’s grown up from the little girl she was when I was still living at home. We were all very sad to see her go. Thankful that God answered my prayers for a sister.

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Presley & Mary (and Field Days)


On Tuesday we had my friend Presley over, along with his fiancée, Mary. Presley just completed his MA in TESOL from UT Arlington. Though Mary’s from Singapore, he met her in Vietnam, where he was teaching English at a Vietnamese university. They brought a game Amy and I had never played (Sequence) and beat us twice. (It’s a great game, in spite of my skills.)

Also this week . . . It was Field Days at Nancy Jane Cochran Elementary School from Tuesday to Friday (Monday was Memorial Day), and Amy helped with the activities all day every day (and got a black T-Shirt — black? — as part of the deal).


Well, that’s all the news. Amy finishes teaching on Wednesday and after a Thursday workday will be joining me on summer vacation.