Congratulations, Dr. Jensen

At 4:54pm ET, I heard from Amy that she successfully defended her dissertation! Amy’s completion is, first, a testimony to God’s grace: there were many points along the way that we prayed (often with wavering faith) about deadlines that seemed impossible to meet; and always, God gave Amy grace. And it’s a testament to Amy’s giftedness and persevering character.

You might think that now I get my wife back. But the truth is, I never lost her to the process. Ever since we got married, she’s been a wife first — when she was a teacher, when she became a mother, and all along while she was working on her doctorate. She’s been my constant companion, my best friend, and a remarkable manager of the home even during times of intense academic pressure. And she’s repeatedly told people that when she “gets those letters behind her name” (to quote our late friend, Mr. Leo West) she’ll still be a wife and mommy first of all. That makes me smile!

I rise up and call you blessed, my love (and someday Becca will, too). And I praise you: “Many women have done well, but you surpass them all.” The fruit of your hands speaks loud praise!

13 thoughts on “Congratulations, Dr. Jensen

  1. Oh, how exciting!!!!!!!! I just texted her to find out how it went and then saw this. She is remarkable! Congratulations on a job well done, Amy! Praising the Lord with you!

  2. Congratulations, Amy!!! We, too, think you are pretty remarkable and are so excited for you at reaching this great achievement! 🙂 ~~the Wilburs

  3. We are so happy for you both–Becca, too!

    “The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul.”

  4. Awww! What a neat thing for husband to say! Praise the Lord Amy! We are praising God with you and you truly are a Godly woman! I know Becca and Josh will be excited to see you tomorrow!

  5. Congratulations Amy! Josh your words about Amy are beautiful. Her mom had a lot to do with that. When I was a young bride she told me to always remember that I am a wife first! God has blessed you both! Please send her my love!

  6. Congratulations, Dr. Jensen! We are proud of you, and inspired by your husband’s words of praise. What a sweet testimony, and what an accomplishment!

  7. Although we’ve told you in person, we also want to add our congratulations to our accomplished and precious daughter-in-law on your blog. We are so proud of you and your completion of your Education Doctorate – in addition to be a great wife and mom to Josh and Becca. I felt you were the answer to my prayers for a wife for Josh the first time we met. And you have proven yourself to be a better answer to those prayers than I could have imagined. We love you!

  8. Dr. RuthAmy Jensen, it was so good to have you here, if only for a short time. The supper with your brothers and Dr. Steve, and then the drop-in were so much fun. (Steve is a really neat gentleman, and it was enjoyable to get to know him. Thanks for having him on your committee.) Your choice of friends says so much about you two. Our circle of friends has been enriched by y’all.
    Josh, may the Lord bless you as you pursue your degree. Your desire and design to all Amy to finish first is a lesson in love. We are so proud (in a good way) to have a son and daughter-in-law like you two. And to have such a talented cutie like Becca!

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