Makin’ Popcorn (the musical)

After reading the previous post, you might ask, What does popcorn have to do with music?

There are a couple answers. One, the promise of a Friday popcorn party can add a little motivation to good behavior in class throughout the week. Two, one of the songs (well, a text with rhythm — no melody) in Amy’s music curriculum is actually about making popcorn. Here’s a performance (yeah, that’s my wife way up there in the air!):

(If you’re using a blog reader, you might want to go to our blog to see the video that’s included above.)

I didn’t mention this in the previous post — but I spent yesterday at Cochran Elementary School with Amy, participating in her classes and (during a couple classes) making some photos and videos. After a day with her at school, I wonder how in the world Amy does anything at the end of the day but come home and sleep. Lots of jumping, lots of energy, lots of talking and singing. When we came home, I wanted a nap (and took one).

As you would guess, Amy’s a great teacher, and her students like her very well. So do her colleagues. (So does her husband!)

4 thoughts on “Makin’ Popcorn (the musical)

  1. That is great! What a lot of fun. Thanks for posting so we could see a little more of what life in the classroom is like.

  2. I love it. So proud of you Amy. I can’t wait to see you soon. I think we’re coming to Canaan Land for a day, so I may get to see you before the 20th. 😉

  3. We loved it! Dad and I watched the little “clip” several times. You’ve got more rhythm than the kids do, Amy. We see why the kids enjoy your class so much – we would, too. A visitor coming in would think you are just an older kid. So glad Josh was able to visit your classes – always helps when the husband realizes what the wife has done all day.
    Love y’all!

  4. GReat to have your husband evaluate you on the job!!! Loved your mom’s comment! Wonderful! Now, I will have to see the video! Grandma

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