Happy 4 Month Birthday, Giggles!


DSCF2679 DSCF2693This month (July 13th), Clara celebrated her 4-month birthday. For awhile I’ve been calling her Smiles #2 (since we called Anna Smiles), but I have switched to calling her Giggles. Clara absolutely loves to laugh. Sometimes she just looks up at me smiling with anticipation as she waits for me to make her laugh. She is sunshine during this time of transition.

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DSC_4760DSC_4757Clara started rolling from tummy to front in at the end of June. She is now a fast roller and can cover a lot of ground. She’s also working on inching forward. This sweet girl is on the move.

DSC_5691 DSC_5694A short update on our family: On July 11th we moved out of the house we’d been watching and went to Phnom Phen for a week. We had a friend coming for a three-day visit and needed to renew our visas and driver’s licences. It was the first time the kids and I had been back since we left last July…don’t miss it at all! The best part was seeing friends and eating at our favorite Khmer restaurant.


DSC_5704 DSC_5701This week we moved into temporary housing while we wait for our rental home. We’re in a one bedroom flat…we’re praying they can have our house ready by August 1st. It’s going to seem HUGE after living here.


8 Years with my Man!


DSC_4401 DSC_4281Tuesday Josh and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. So delighted that God is blessing me with my man. Being in Cambodia has brought us closer together (we’re finding that living overseas can make or break a marriage). If not for my dear man, I’m certain I would have lost it here. So glad to have his faithful friendship and leadership.

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DSC_4444IMG_20160615_162700Thankful for the four precious children God has blessed us with. So glad I get to be on this parenting journey with Josh.

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DSC_4368IMG_20160615_162148Our major accomplishments for the year: we’ve moved to Ratanakiri and delivered our 4th child together. Looking forward to our new adventures together in this next year!


DSC_4923DSC_4926For our anniversary Josh and I went to the Ratanak Resort. It was a lovely place to relax and spend extra time with each other.



Aunt Emily Comes to Visit


DSC_4508 DSC_4493I’m guessing around the age of three, I started praying for a sister…three brothers later, I stopped. I still remember the night when I was 12 as my mom put me to bed and said she was going to Dr. Matthews the next day. I knew Dr. Matthews was the baby doctor and giggled embarrassingly as I tried to ask my mom if she was having another baby. Several weeks later my mom and I had a special date to go to the ultrasound – it’s a girl!

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June 4th my sister, Emily, came to spend two weeks with us. She was in Cambodia to serve with a doctor in another province for three weeks and planned a visit to us at the end of her trip.

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DSC_4265 DSC_4268The kids were excited to see their Aunt Emily. There’s something really special about younger aunts. They kept Emily busy all day long. I think it might have been more exhausting than working in the hospital. 🙂

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DSC_4463DSC_4273Emily’s first week we were car-less. Josh was out Monday and Tuesday doing permissions work, then he left early Wednesday morning to take someone to the hospital in Phnom Penh. He was gone for four days. I was so thankful to have Emily with us during that time. It was the first time for Josh to leave since Clara was born and it was his first time in Cambodia to be away from us for more than 2 nights.

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DSC_4378 DSC_4383Emily’s second week here we did a few more things. We visited the sleeping Buddha and watched the sunset.

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IMG_20160612_184938 IMG_20160612_185024We visited the local night market that was set up for a week and rode the bummer cars. Emily and Josh ate crickets.

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IMG_20160615_162700 IMG_20160615_163625We went in search of a waterfall with water. The first one we went to was water-less!

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IMG_20160618_133122 IMG_20160618_133649At the end of her trip Emily was able to visit Angkor Wat and some of the other temples with Josh before she flew out the next morning.

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WIMG_20160618_155706e reaIMG_20160618_163745lly enjoyed having Emily here. She was a big help and we enjoyed the extra time with her. I was blessed to spend some extra time with my grown up 21 year old sister. It was really fun to chat with her and see how much she’s grown up from the little girl she was when I was still living at home. We were all very sad to see her go. Thankful that God answered my prayers for a sister.

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Happy 3-Month Birthday, Clara Grace


DSC_4283 DSC_4289Monday Clara turned 3-months old. She’s quite the little mover in her pack-n-play: she rolls from tummy to back, moves from one end to the other on her tummy (not sure if this is intentional), often does an 180 degree from the position I left her in.

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DSC_4273 DSC_4352Clara loves to laugh. She seems to think diaper changing time is really hilarious. The other day Josh had to ask her to stop laughing while listening to Dr. Casillas’ sermon…she was a little too loud.

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2014-06-04 DSC_4341The dress Clara is wearing was mine. I thought I’d left it in the States and was happy to find it recently when I was going through clothes. So thankful for our sweet smiley Clara Grace.


Isaiah’s 4th Birthday


DSC_4244 DSC_4258Isaiah chose to wait to have his birthday cake until Aunt Emily arrived on Saturday. He also wanted Uncle JD and Aunt Kim to come for cake too.

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DSC_4251 DSC_4252We had pizza for supper and then enjoyed cake and ice cream. For his birthday we gave Isaiah his first real Legos and a car rug (bought at IKEA in Bangkok).

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DSC_4221 DSC_4234So glad to have this crazy little man in our crazy little family!


Happy 4th Birthday, Isaiah!


DSC_4194 DSC_4192Happy 4th birthday to Isaiah! Our little man was extremely excited the night before his birthday. After I put him to bed he came out to tell me the reason he was grumpy was because he was saving all his joy for his birthday. When I told him he didn’t seem grumpy at all, he insisted he was grumpy so he wouldn’t use up his joy for his birthday!



IMG_20160530_193835DSC_4160Part of Isaiah’s birthday countdown calendar was a sleepover with Mommy when Daddy had to be away for the night. Isaiah was thrilled to be Daddy for the night. He wanted to use the computer like Daddy.

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DSC_4165 DSC_4179It’s been fun watching Isaiah be a brother. He loves playing with Becca and Anna. The other day he wanted to hold Clara too. He’s praying for a baby brother and two more baby sisters (so Clara can have baby sister and that baby sister after that can have a baby sister!).


DSC_4184 DSC_4187We love all Isaiah’s silliness and hearing him walk around the house singing Bible songs he makes up. Thankful for our little man!


DSC_4169 DSC_4173This week is also Clara’s 11 week birthday! She’s now rolling from stomach to back, laughing, and moving all over her bed. She’s a sweetie!

This is Isaiah’s contribution to the blog:

Jjjjjjjtttttttqqqqqbbbbbnnnnnyytttttpo hyyyyyyyyyyyuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllllllljjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuu

Prayer Update


May 18 Meeting with Village and Sub-District Heads
On May 18 Josh drove out to Saom Kaning village and met with the head of the village, as well as the head of the sub-district. The village head told Josh he has no problem with our family moving to the village, but first there needs to be a village-wide meeting with us present to allow the members of the village to vote.

The sub-district head said he would approve us only if the district authorities (in particular, the district police) say yes. We’re waiting for him to meet with the district police before we plan a meeting with them.

We thank the Lord that no one has said no yet. Please pray with us as we begin making contact with higher officials to seek their permission: first at the district level, then at the province level. It’s possible that higher officials will say we need official approval from further down first.

In the meantime, we will begin looking for a house to rent in one of the two towns closest to Saom Kaning Village. We will need permission to live in a nearby town, as well, but we expect it will be easier to get permission, because we would be living among Khmer rather than a minority group. Please pray that we can find a home and get permission to move in before the beginning of July, when we vacate our present house.

May 20 Meeting with Jarai Church Leaders
This meeting included about 18 Jarai church leaders, two partners from another mission organization, my team leader, and Josh. Our team leader, JD, facilitated the meeting. The meeting focused on what the churches can do to promote better understanding of the Bible in their churches. The focus then narrowed to the possibility of a Bible translation that reflects the way Jarai in Cambodia speak, and we were encouraged that there was general agreement that the existing translations are hard to understand and that unbelievers in particular don’t understand them. (The existing Jarai Bibles — a New Testament and a complete Bible — are good translations, but they were translated into the variety of Jarai spoken in Vietnam, which is hard for Jarai here to understand.)

Although some concerns were raised about undertaking a new project, we believe that these are issues that can be worked through. We plan to have another meeting in June or July to allow the Jarai make a decision about whether or not to begin a translation project. Please pray that they will have wisdom as they think about and discuss the issue over the next month or two. And please pray that we can find ways to overcome the potential obstacles, as well.

Thank you so much for your prayers. It is very much by your prayers that we are sustained and guided in the work God has called us to.

Happy 2 Month Birthday Clara Grace


DSC_4130 DSC_4124May 13th Clara celebrated two months. Can’t you tell she’s thrilled! Clara enjoys interacting with us – she is full of smiles and coos. Love this little girl!

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2016-05-08DSC_4146Everybody has different opinions on who Clara looks like. There are moments Clara has the looks of the other kids, but she really has her own individual look (see collage on the left).

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DSC_4147 DSC_4150Life is pretty full around here. Not many dull moments. The other day when our kids were wrestling, I overhead one say: You’re not supposed to be screaming. Dead people can’t scream. We all laughed!


Unexpected Mother’s Day Gift


DSC_4115 DSC_4113Sunday. For many expat moms attending village churches in developing world countries, it’s not a day to look forward to.  Long story short, I try to sit and participate in a service while hot and sweaty as unhappy children crawl over me or ask me when it’s going to be over. (I was encouraged when a veteran missionary told me they never looked forward to Sundays either.)

DSC_4102 DSC_4105This past Sunday we visited a Jarai village church. Josh was going to be preaching, which meant I would get all the sweaty unhappy kids to myself. We both rolled our eyes when Josh said he hoped I would have a good Mother’s Day.

IMG_20160508_093605 IMG_20160508_103627We arrived at the church and were pleasantly surprised at how nice the building was: they had tile floors and fans. As the service started, our older kids chose to go to the children’s service. Isaiah returned shortly after, but Becca stayed. When the Jarai children came in to sing for the service, Becca joined them up front and did the motions to the song while the other kids sang (this was a huge surprise to us). Then we watched her go back with the kids and shortly after saw her running hand in hand with two Jarai girls playing games outside. This doesn’t happen at our Khmer church. Typically the Khmer kids play in one group and our kids play in another. (Even with the other great MK’s in our town, our kids haven’t yet found their niche.) I cannot tell you what a blessing it was to this mama’s heart to see her daughter running and smiling and being included. It’s been a long time.


IMG_20160509_110653IMG_20160509_082646At one point while Josh was preaching Becca came running in for a drink. She stopped and gave him the big thumbs up. Later when we asked her about it she said she had thought it was a Khmer man speaking and was surprised to turn and see Josh preaching. “You sounded just like a Khmer person, Daddy.”


DSC_4109DSC_4111So there I was: sitting on the floor in a Jarai church service with Clara in my arms and Anna on my lap, listening to my husband preach in Khmer, watching my daughter outside making friends while my son (who said he was a dirty monster) chased them. My family was happy and they belonged. Thanks be to God. It was the perfect Mother’s Day gift.

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Note: Anna remained happy as long as she could sit on my lap, and as long as the raisins were abundant.


Happy 7 Weeks to Clara Grace!


DSC_4073 DSC_4072Taking pictures of all the kids is becoming more difficult, but I managed one.


DSC_4064 DSC_4063Here’s something to show how dusty/dirty everything gets in our home: I’m constantly cleaning dirt from under Clara’s fingernails. How can an infant have dirt under her fingernails?

DSC_3972 DSC_3973Becca lost another tooth two weeks ago.


Happy 6 Weeks to Clara Grace!


DSC_3966 DSC_3965Sunday Clara turned 6 weeks. Typically most of the day Clara in pretty docile and hardly makes a sound, but it seems like as soon as her older siblings are in bed she wakes up and wants to play. She rarely “talks” during the day, but as soon as she’s the “only child” she has lots to say. Perhaps all the noise during the day intimidates her! Or perhaps she knows it’s the one time she has all my attention.

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DSC_3992 DSC_3990Most of the time the older kids are too busy to be occupied with Clara, but Anna continues to be very attentive.

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DSC_4015 DSC_4016Since returning from Thailand, the kids have enjoyed playing together outside. Anna (Becca and Isaiah) is now to the point we can let her outside without our being with her. Becca and Isaiah are pretty good about watching out for her. She loves it!

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DSC_4007 DSC_4022We’re in the midst of hot season and this year they say it’s unusually hot. We’re looking forward to rainy season starting July/August and hope it comes on time this year. It’s been several months since we’ve seen rain in Ban Lung.

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Happy 5 Weeks to Clara Grace


DSC_3912 DSC_3905This past Sunday Clara celebrated 5 weeks. We’re enjoying her smiles. She started smiling several weeks ago…it almost felt like the week she was born. Guess she was amused with her exciting birth.

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DSC_3931 DSC_3933Of our three older children, Anna is the most attentive to Clara. She’s always asking, “Clara hold me,” and wanting to talk with her. Lord willing they will be great friends.

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DSC_3757 DSC_3756One week after Clara was born our home owner’s dog had another litter of puppies. The kids have enjoyed playing all 7 of them.

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Happy 2nd Birthday Anna Grace & Josh


DSC_3870 DSC_3869Happy 2nd birthday to Anna Grace! We love our sweet little bundle of mischief. Anna loves to play and laugh and she has quite a sense of humor. She loves growling at people and attacking Isaiah. She’s quite the talker and her vocabulary is growing.

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DSC_3783 DSC_3784For several days before her birthday Anna denied it was going to be her birthday. Said she didn’t want a party, or cake, or presents. She didn’t even like people singing happy birthday to her. After I got her presents out, she decided she wanted presents and she was pretty pleased with the cake, once it was in front of her.

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DSC_3806 DSC_3817We did a double birthday party for Anna and Josh (since on Josh’s birthday we were driving all day), but it ended up being more focused on Anna, so we had another party the next night for Josh. Our meal was a buffalo roast, and our team leaders’ family joined us for dinner. (It is a very busy week for us, since our helper is gone for Khmer New Year’s.)

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DSC_3882 DSC_3885A very happy 35th birthday to Josh! Delighted that he chose me to be his wife and accompany him on this adventure. He’s a wonderful husband and daddy and we’re blessed to have him!

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Happy One-Month, Clara Grace


DSC_3890 DSC_3891One month has flown by with being in Bangkok and coming back to Cambodia. Clara has adjusted well to Ban Lung and is keeping a good schedule. She’s a pretty happy girl and smiles and is starting to coo.


Three Weeks: Anna spent her 3-week birthday riding in a car-seat for two days. She did great!

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Four Weeks:

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Our time in Bangkok


IMG_20160325_092439 IMG_20160325_121114Last Saturday we started our two-day trip home from Bangkok. We are really thankful for the place God provided us to stay in Bangkok during Clara’s birth (The Alliance Guest Home). Our kids loved the freedom of being able to run around the small campus and make friends with the staff there. The maintenance man was a special friend: Uncle David brought them candy and treats almost every day. The Guest Home was a great fit for our family. (Pictures below are from the playground at the Children’s Museum, which wasn’t too far from the guesthouse.)

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IMG_20160228_125610_1 IMG_20160228_125701One thing we won’t miss is riding taxis everywhere. (We kept track of the many different colored taxis we saw: yellow/green, yellow, green, red, pink, purple, white, blue, and orange.) We had some interesting adventures: the taxi that experienced radiator failure and dropped us off on the side of the road, the taxi driver that took us in the opposite direction from home for a while and then dropped us off and said he had to go home and didn’t have time to take us that far, the few that had no idea where they were going, and the many, many times taxis didn’t want our business since our home was too far away.

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IMG_20160325_092439 IMG_20160325_120526While in Bangkok, we took a trip to the zoo. We enjoyed seeing the animals – the zebra and monkeys were a favorite. For some reason the WWII bomb shelter there was also a big highlight for the kids…at least that’s what they told us afterwards. We were able to see a seal show and a Kenyan acrobatics show.


IMG_20160305_175851 IMG_20160305_175812A week before Clara was born, Josh and I went out on a date to a nice restaurant that was walking distance from our apartment. The food was delicious, especially to a pregnant mama (yes – I ate the whole steak!). Afterwards we went to a coffee shop for dessert and took some fun pictures.

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DSC_3740 DSC_3738The Tuesday and Wednesday before we left, we got together with two of Josh’s former Thai students from University of Texas in Arlington. It was fun to be able to visit with them in their own country. The last time we saw them was in 2012.


IMG_20160305_192419-0012016-03-05There’s a lot I won’t miss about Bangkok: the traffic, the taxis, not being able to speak the language. There’s a lot that was nice: rarely saw any ants, no red dust (I was so clean!), not needing a helper. But I think the one thing we enjoyed the most was all the extra time we got with Josh. It was really special to have him around so much and to have lots of evenings without commitments or loads of work to be accomplished.


Thank You, Miss Saeeda!


DSC_3475 DSC_3472A huge thank you to Miss Saeeda for coming to Bangkok from Phnom Penh to watch our kids when Clara was born. Saeeda’s original ticket had her staying with us for a week and a half. When Clara didn’t show up during that time we extended Saeeda’s ticket four more days, since we had promised that Saeeda would be home for Holy Week. We were so thankful that God allowed Clara to be born before Saeeda had to return home.


DSC_3476 DSC_3485The kids loved playing with Miss Saeeda and had a lot of outside adventures with her. We were grateful to know our kids were in good hands when we were in the hospital with Clara. Thanks, Miss Saeeda, for giving up two weeks and helping us all.

IMG_20160309_130607 IMG_20160309_134643Before Clara came we took a few field-trips with Miss Saeeda. We went back to the children’s museum and made it inside (instead of just enjoying the outside play). The kids had a blast!

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IMG_20160311_105226 IMG_20160311_105034We also went to Funarium – an indoor playground which the kids loved. Anna fell asleep on the taxi ride home (very unusual for her!).

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IMG_20160304_125248 IMG_20160304_141702We also took a trip to IKEA – a first for Josh and me. We were able to buy bunk-beds for the kids and ship them (rather complicated) to our home in Cambodia.

Happy 2-Week Birthday, Clara Grace

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DSC_3717 DSC_3716Happy 2-week birthday, Clara Grace! Of all your siblings, you’ve done the most in your first two weeks of life: shopping trips, a day at the zoo, an Easter egg hunt and Walk with Jesus children’s event, a trip to the American Embassy, and doctors visits. We love you, sweet girl!

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new-kids DSC_3669We had a good Resurrection weekend. A local international church had an event Saturday morning. Our kids enjoyed an egg hunt at a park near the church. Each of our kids were in their own age group for collecting eggs. Anna ended up with the most eggs since her group was so slow picking them up. Afterwards we went to the church for snacks while we waited for our group to be called to start the Walk with Jesus (based on the Stations of the Cross).  There were eight different stations depicting events during the passion week. We all enjoyed it.

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Birth Story – Clara Grace


This is Clara’s birth story with some extra details. She was born unexpectedly fast on Sunday, March 13, 2016, at 5:30 AM in the bathroom of the apartment we are staying in while in Bangkok.

DSC_3611 DSC_3610Birth Plan: Two months before Clara was born my doula (Mandy Smith) asked if I had a birth plan. I was a bit stumped. Writing a birth plan was new to me. With our first three children, labor and birth just sort of happened to me, but never as I had expected: Becca’s premature birth at 27 weeks, Isaiah’s scheduled C-section instead of the VBAC I’d hoped for, Anna’s unexpected VBAC instead of the scheduled C-section. My initial thoughts were this:

  • Most Important: A healthy baby—whether it’s a VBAC or not.
  • Would LOVE:  A VBAC delivery without pain medications. (My body does not respond well to pain meds. They usually make me nauseated.)
  • Ideally: We hope to check into a hotel near the hospital and try to do most of my laboring there. I’d love to have a birth without pain medications. I’d love to hold the baby as soon as possible after he/she is born. I’ve never had immediate skin to skin contact with any of our children after they were born.

The top picture in the collage below shows the beautiful labor and delivery room I was planning to have Clara in. The bottom picture shows the tiny bathroom where it all actually took place.

333 Weeks

DSC_3276DSC_3656Doula or Not? When we arrived in Bangkok, I met with my doula to discuss labor and delivery. I was supposed to write out a birth plan to discuss with my doctor, but I never had the heart to do it. I should back up and say it took me about four months to decide if I wanted to have a doula or not. I went back and forth on whether I really wanted someone extra, someone I didn’t know, to assist with my labor. After reading Ina May’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and considering that it would be nice to have someone who knew the Thai hospital system already that could advocate for us, I decided to ask Mandy Smith to be my doula when we arrived in Bangkok. I’m so glad we did, since Mandy was who we called when I was in labor and she was the one who helped me when we arrived at the hospital after the birth.

DSC_3604 DSC_3606StrepB One other detail: At my second appointment with my doctor in Bangkok, I found out that I had strepB and would have to have IV antibiotics at least four hours before Clara was delivered. If I didn’t start the antibiotics in time (four hours before delivery), the doctors would immediately take Clara away for observation. This was crushing to me because I really wanted to hold Clara right after she was born. My doctor put me on oral antibiotics so that if I went another week without delivering she could retest me to see if the bacteria had cleared up. I was torn—wanting to deliver soon, while our friend was here to watch the kids and before the Embassy appointment we’d made—and wanting to wait until I could be retested so wouldn’t have to worry about timing the antibiotics and lose the chance to hold Clara as soon as she was born.

DSC_3618Saturday: The day before Clara came I had some contractions in the morning, but nothing in the afternoon or evening. I took a 40-minute walk with Becca in the afternoon and did an 45-minute walk with Josh that evening to eat ice cream at Swenson’s, all with no contractions. Right before we went to bed I told Josh I had meant to show him a video of what to do if the baby was born in the taxi…oh well, maybe tomorrow.

DSC_3461Sunday Morning: I started having contractions sometime after 3AM, though I didn’t look at the time until 3:35AM. I wasn’t sure if this was similar to the contractions I’d had earlier in the week, so I tried to ignore them and sleep.  I was up and down several time to use the bathroom and finally left the bedroom not to return around 4:45 since I found that laying down kept the contractions coming. After a few more good contractions I decided I’d better start putting our toiletries together to head to the hospital. Again, I didn’t think there was a big rush, since the timing was very similar to Anna’s birth, and it had been hours from the time that contractions started until Anna was finally born. However, I also didn’t know how bad the pain would get, since with Anna the doctor put me on an epidural once I arrived at the hospital.

DSC_3294 DSC_3292Getting ready  was slow going, since I had to stop for contractions, and I also stopped to pluck a few eyebrow hairs (hey—I wanted to be put together for the labor!). I decided before waking Josh up I would take a shower, since I was extremely sweaty. Around 5:07 AM I heard the bathroom door open and hoped desperately it was Josh and not one of the kids. It was Josh.

DSC_3435 DSC_3295When Josh found me contracting, he started getting ready to go while I tried to do things between contractions. I did my laboring on my hands and knees while Josh rubbed my back. Josh called our doula at 5:14 and started to time contractions. I was having contractions lasting about a minute with less than a minute break between. I told Josh I didn’t think I could have a baby. (I expected the pain to get much, much worse and go on for hours and didn’t know how I could do it…little did I know I was almost done!) Mandy (our doula) told us over the phone to get in a taxi and head to the hospital. Josh called our apartment managers (who just happened to be awake with their grandchildren) and asked them to call a taxi for us.

DSC_3645 DSC_3655So there I was contracting on my hands and knees, while Josh was telling me I had to walk and get into a taxi. I felt that burning I’d read about and pressure. I was trying to decide when it would be appropriate to tell Josh that I was not going anywhere and that we were not going to make it to the hospital. Josh, for his part, could only think one thing: We need to get in a taxi soon! I did apologize to him several times after telling him we were not going to make it to the hospital. I noticed blood dripping and saw my mucus plug come out.  A few moments later my water broke. It had meconium in it and my first thought was: I just went to the bathroom all over my husband. I looked and saw what looked to me like my entire insides coming out of me—this was not a comforting sight. My first worry was that the placenta was coming out first. I gave about 3-4 pushes (I hardly knew what I was doing—it was all just instinct) before Clara’s head appeared. Both Josh and I caught her as she came out and then she was in my arms. It was 5:30 AM.

DSC_3644 DSC_3642Josh rushed out to get our apartment manager’s wife (Kerri) who is a nurse. I held Clara. She was completely blue. Though it was only seconds, it seemed forever as I worried about her breathing. I checked to make sure the cord wasn’t wrapped around her neck and began hitting her back (a technique I learned from watching Sarah Plain and Tall when I was a kid). She let out a little squeak and began to turn pink. Then I checked to see if we had a boy or girl. Surprise! GIRL! Then I held her—talk about skin to skin contact right at birth. She nursed right away.

DSC_3639 DSC_3635By now, Josh had returned with Kerri. We cleaned Clara up a bit (she had the meconium on her) and prepared to get into the taxi. Josh held Clara while I tried to wash off a bit, which was a little tricky  since the placenta was still inside and the cord was short. Josh called our doula again, and she told us to leave the cord alone, since it was still pulsing; so I carried Clara, who was still attached, and walked to the taxi to go to the nearest hospital.

DSC_3272 DSC_3263Mandy (our doula) met us at the hospital. This was not the hospital we were planning to deliver at, but the closest one to our guest home apartment. At first the emergency room staff did not realize I was holding a newborn still attached. Once they saw her cord they moved into action. I ended up having to spend a lot of time in the delivery room while the placenta came out. (Also receiving IV antibiotics and a tetanus shot because of where I delivered Clara.)  Mandy stayed with me while Josh went with Clara for evaluation in the nursery. Mandy was a great help. Even though she doesn’t speak Thai, she was able to tell me what was going on while they worked to get some extra pieces of the placenta out and did a small repair. I compare my time in the delivery room to being in a torture chamber—it was painful and seemed so long and the staff did not speak English. I cannot imagine how awful it would have been if Mandy hadn’t been there to explain things for me. She held my hand, encouraged me, and kept in contact with Josh so we could know what was happening to Clara.

DSC_3281 DSC_3280It took a few hours before we were settled in a hospital room. All was well. And every once in awhile I would start smiling really big to think I’d just had a baby in our bathroom.

DSC_3530 DSC_3562So I had my ideal  birth: a surgery-free, intervention free birth. AND I got to hold Clara right away. God answered our specific prayer requests in an unexpected way and we’re thankful for His protection.  Very thankful that I was able to finish the antibiotics before Clara was born so that StrepB was not an issue with her being born at home. Thanks be to God.


Josh wonders what I would have done if he hadn’t woken up on his own. I was planning to get him. If I had to shout, I might have woken up the kids who were sleeping in the room right next to the bathroom. Thankfully, the kids slept through the whole things and didn’t wake up until after we left. They were banned from the bathroom until it was cleaned up.

Josh says that next time I must wake him up right away and that we will buy doubles of everything so there will be no need to pack toiletries or snacks—they’ll all be ready ahead of time.

So I had another unexpected delivery. I didn’t get to use my Labor and Delivery music playlist during labor or my oils. Didn’t use the beautiful labor room room at the hospital or get to hang out in a hotel during the early stages of labor with Josh.  Didn’t get to eat all my snacks (the doctor said I could eat and drink during labor—so different from U.S. hospitals). Clara just popped out!

I had been drinking raspberry leaf tea to help with the labor. It’s supposed to strengthen contractions and speed up the labor process. Maybe next time I won’t……

Later in the week I went back to my original doctor for a check-up. She did an ultrasound and said everything looked great. I also found out that my StrepB test had come back negative—thanks be to God.

I wasn’t planning to deliver at home. I really thought, based on Anna’s birth, that I had several more hours before Clara would come. I expected the pain to get much worse—yikes! So glad it didn’t.

Of all my deliveries, Clara’s has been the easiest to recover from. No side effects from pain medications and minimal stitches. I was up out of bed faster than with any of our other kids.

When recounting to our kids their birth stories, I realized that all our girls have had exciting, unplanned deliveries in one way or other. There wasn’t much to tell Isaiah.

I too was born at home. My parents couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough and hoped the the rescue squad would take my mom to the hospital. The rescue squad arrived and delivered me in our living room.