Tag Archives: NICU

Just a few pictures….

IMG_1287Becca’s “honeymoon” period is over — as the nurse said — and her ventilator had to start doing a lot more work for her today. The NICU nurses say that normally, babies have a “honeymoon” period for the first 24-48 hours in the NICU and then it takes a while for them to adjust. So…Becca’s now “adjusting” to her new home in the NICU. The good news is that they started feeding her today – 1 ml every hour for three hours and then she gets a break for an hour, so they can check to make sure she’s digesting her food. Usually babies “fail” at this feeding process a few times…but she’s had a good start so far. She’s now getting what I’ve been pumping for her the past three days.
