All posts by amy

Pictures from Monday (11-30-2009)

IMG_1332-1Monday evening I was discharged from the hospital and returned to our home after being away for 15 days. It was NICU 11-30-2009weird to think of all that changed since my admission on Nov. 16th. It was hard to leave the hospital, since I was leaving Becca behind. I never dreamed I’d have our baby early or leave the hospital without her in my arms. I made it up all 17 steps to our second floor apartment and am adjusting to what I can and cannot do as I recover from the c-section.

IMG_1331-1Before we left the hospital, I was able to visit Becca twice. The first time I was able to help change her diaper…it was a little bit scary to change a diaper on a baby that small! I was also able to stick my little finger in Becca’s hand. She likes to grip things and usually holds on to her feeding and ventilator tubes – I’m thinking she’s used to grabbing her cord. It was very special to have our little girl hold on to my finger.

Becca is doing well. She started being fed her mommy’s milk on Monday. She’s currently up to taking 3ml every hour. It’s exciting to see my “work” finally being used.IMG_1344

IMG_1359My mom is with us until Dec. 10th. She’s been our photographer and cook. She’s excited to be a grandma for the first time. We appreciate all her help as we adjust to our new schedules. She also captured our weather event of the day – snow in Texas.

Just a few pictures….

IMG_1287Becca’s “honeymoon” period is over — as the nurse said — and her ventilator had to start doing a lot more work for her today. The NICU nurses say that normally, babies have a “honeymoon” period for the first 24-48 hours in the NICU and then it takes a while for them to adjust. So…Becca’s now “adjusting” to her new home in the NICU. The good news is that they started feeding her today – 1 ml every hour for three hours and then she gets a break for an hour, so they can check to make sure she’s digesting her food. Usually babies “fail” at this feeding process a few times…but she’s had a good start so far. She’s now getting what I’ve been pumping for her the past three days.


Rebecca Grace Jensen

IMG_0909Rebecca Grace Jensen – Born, November 26, 2009 at 5:58PM (emergency c-section). Weight: 2 pounds and 1 ounce.  Length: 14 inches long. ICU 11-2627-2009

ICU 11-2627-2010After a rough morning and afternoon on Thanksgiving Day, our doctor decided it would be best to take our baby from the womb, hoping that she would do better outside than inside.  Josh was able to see the baby at birth – I was only able to get a glance at her head and little arm from my place on the operating table, while they put me back together. Josh was able to go to the NICU later than evening and see little Becca.

ICU 11-2627-2011I will describe our first day after Becca’s birth as being “awful.” The pain from the surgery was strong, ICU 11-2627-20091intensified whenever I would move…getting out of bed was quite an accomplishment. The pain medication they gave me after the morphine was too strong and made my morning miserable. I finally got to see Becca in the afternoon…she’s so little and helpless and there’s no way I could help her. By the end of the day, both Josh and I were drained and discouraged.

But God is good. We know that He has us here for a purpose and that His hand is upon little Becca’s life. We are confident that He is working His good will for His glory and we look forward to seeing Him continue to work throughout the next several weeks. And I continue to pray “Lord, I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

Thanksgiving 2009

IMG_0875Happy Thanksgiving! This year we’re thanking God for our little baby girl and for helping us know when to come to the hospital, so she could continue to live in the womb. We’re praising God for the safety He has given our little girl so farIMG_0866 and praising Him for His continual hand in our lives.

Nov 2009 2Baby J has had a rough Thanksgiving. She’s had several major decelerations and talk of delivery was in the air. The picture (right) of the heart monitor strip shows what a “decel” looks – the top graph is the baby’s heartbeat.  (When the line disappears, that doesn’t mean the heart isn’t beating, just that the monitor isn’t picking it up — perhaps because of movement.) I’ve been given oxygen twice today, had my iv restarted, and was put back into the Trandelenburg position for about an hour. The doctor was called in around 2pm and has decided that if Baby J has another bout like she has had the past 4 hours, we will have to deliver. Presently the baby’s heart has stabilized and she seems to be content. We continue to thank God for His control in this situation and look forward to seeing His hand work in all our lives.

(The picture collage above: top left – Trandelenburg position, top right – Thanksgiving flowers from Steffanie, bottom left – trying to use the computer while lying down, bottom middle – reading the newspaper a elderly man [hospital volunteer] brought by, bottom right – oxygen.)

My Doorsign – Nov. 25

IMG_0863-1IMG_0864I decided to make a door sign for my room, since we’re going to be here for a while.  Here’s a picture of the sign I put up yesterday. I also had a diabetes test this morning. Last night they put a sign on my door to inform people that I was not allowed to eat or drink after midnight. I decided to put up my own translation for the sign.

Here’s an update Josh wrote on Tuesday, after our follow-up visit with the perinatologist.

The perinatologist (maternal fetal health specialist), Dr. Goldaber, came by this afternoon.

The sonogram showed that the amniotic fluid is about the same as last Tuesday. Amy’s had a couple decelerations today, and when Dr. Goldaber looked over today’s chart, he said, “Those are some very significant decelerations.” Right now the cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, which may explain why some of the decelerations today have been deeper than we’ve seen for a little while.  The baby is breached, which I suppose doesn’t matter much right now, since a natural birth is out of the question anyway. Then again, if the baby turns and gets her head out of the cord, there might be less pressure on the cord.

Dr. G. said he anticipates an early delivery, and wants the IV port hooked back up now so that Amy will be ready whenever the time comes. But at least she doesn’t have to be hooked up to the whole IV until it’s time to deliver.

Thanks all for praying. Dr. Moseley, Amy’s primary OB, said today, “You have a lot of people praying, right? WellIMG_0862 have them pray that your amniotic fluid goes up.” So there’s one prayer request. And the other is that Baby J can keep cookin’ inside a while longer. And keep praying for Amy’s health.

My dear husband continues to take excellent care of me. Here’s a picture of him traveling back to our apartment to do some laundry and transport some more things back to our new home.

Hospital Update Nov. 22

Nov 1091We are in our 6th full day in the hospital (I’m not sure yet if I should count last Monday or not).  On Friday the doctor decided that I could have my iv removed…having a free arm was a wonderful present! The baby has been doing well. She had a rough morning on Tuesday and the possibility of an early delivery was “in the air,” but since then she’s been doing much better. She has heart decelerations every day, but the doctor is pleased with the heart accelerations she has as well…it’s a sign of a “healthy baby.” I’m monitored all the time and a nurse usually comes in a couple times a night to have me shift my position to help decrease the decelerations she sees on her screen. My OB has been great – she comes by every morning and usually at night as well to check on me. She also stopped by on Saturday and Sunday. IMG_0851Today we’re waiting for a specialist to come in and do an ultrasound on the baby. He is stopping by on IMG_0861his way back home from the airport from a trip to Mexico.

We’re continuing to adjust to our new lives in the hospital. Josh has made the place quite homey and the nurses and doctors seem to like the atmosphere of our room. Josh was able to purchase a portable computer desk and has brought his computer over to the hospital. Now he’ll be able to do both his school work and web work from my room at the hospital.

martin-visitWe’ve enjoyed getting visitors and appreciate encouragement we’ve received. Baby’s favorite gift was the IMG_0839-1edible fruit basket she received from Uncle Sam and Aunt Ashley. The chocolate got her so wound up that it took the nurses over and hour to find her heart beat with the monitor! Micah and Anna Martin came over for lunch today and we had a wonderful time visiting with them.

Our New Home

IMG_0830-1I am now living in Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital – for an indefinite time period until our baby girl is born.

Here’s a clip from the email Josh sent out Tuesday night:
“Yesterday around noon, I took Amy to the hospital because she’d noticed decreased fetal movement for a few days. (We had called her OB in the morning, and the doctor had recommended we go in to the hospital to check things out.) After a few hours monitoring the baby’s heartbeat and doing a sonogram, they decided to keep Amy overnight to have a specialist check her out. The specialist determined today that because of an abnormally small amount of amniotic fluid, the baby’s at high risk of
IMG_0836-1pressing too hard against the cord, resulting in a dangerous decrease of blood flow. So they want to keep Amy in the hospital until delivery — which may be at 34 weeks or before — to constantly monitor the baby’s heart rate.

“We’re very thankful that the baby is healthy, with normal development and a strong heartbeat. We’re also thankful that Amy noticed the decreased movement so things could be checked out. Please pray that the Lord would give us grace for this unexpected change. Naturally, Amy won’t be teaching any more this semester. Please also pray for the baby’s health, and for Amy’s.”

IMG_0842Except for getting up to use the bathroom, I’ve been confined to the hospital bed. I’m hooked up to an iv on one arm and a heart monitor on the other hand, as well as the baby heart monitor and contraction monitor, both on my tummy…and I get some fancy leg wraps that fill up with air to prevent blood clots in my legs and increase circulation while I am in bed all day.

Josh has been the most amazing husband in the world. He’s taking very good care of his girls and I daily thank God for giving me such a wonderful man for my husband.

More updates to follow.

Baby Bump – 20 weeks (and miscellaneous)

Oct 2009-2

My little baby bump is growing! This past Thursday was the first time someone actually noticed (without any prior knowledge) that I’m pregnant. It was rather exciting to have someone shriek and exclaim, “Are you pregnant?!!!!” My kids at school keep me informed on the growth of my belly (“Mrs. Jensen, your tummy is getting bigger.”) and many love touching my baby bump. Baby Girl Jensen is doing well and I’m enjoying feeling her move. I feel her movement more on the weekends, but that’s probably because she’s wondering why her mommy isn’t talking really loud, singing, playing instruments, and dancing/moving. Weekends are probably pretty boring for our dear little girl!IMG_0756

Oct 2009I finally took some pictures of my classroom. I moved to a different portable this year and love the extra space! After my ultrasound last week I had all the kids vote on the gender of our baby. I also brought a printout of the ultrasound picture to show them all. My pregnancy is quite a learning experience for some of my students and has led to some interesting conversations in the classroom. After seeing the picture, one 3rd grader asked if the baby would be born with skin! I was also given advice about eating and taking care of myself from the 5th grade boys. This week they were concerned that it was not good that I was pregnant and wearing a belt with my shirt. When they asked why I had a belt on, I explained that it was a decoration and not tight at all.IMG_0776

Oct 2009-1Josh has had the flu all week, so I made him some homemade chicken rice soup. I always tend to put too much rice in the soup and then it’s more like stew than soup. I had to stop by the store and buy some chicken broth to add to my concoction! (The roses in the picture are a gift Josh brought home to me last weekend – my husband is so sweet!)

Baby Bump – 18 weeks

Baby Bump - 18 weeks

IMG_0748Baby Jensen is finally beginning to make his/her visual presence known – though most peopleIMG_0749 still say they can’t tell. Baby J. also started making his/her physical presence known last Saturday when I started feeling him/her move – love the feeling! We celebrated our 19 week birthday this past Thursday, and according to, Baby J. equals a large heirloom tomato in size. Our ultrasound is on Wednesday, and we’re looking forward to seeing our little one for the first time.

On Friday night, Josh and I took Selah and Rachael Johnson to a production of The Music Man. It was an excellence performance and we were all worn out from our late evening.


Summer in Review (My Birthday & Dan’s Fiancée)

IMG_1959[1]IMG_1959[1] (1)IMG_1959[1] (3)This summer we got to meet and spend time with Dan’s fiancée, Isabelle during two meals at Jon and Ashleigh’s. (Dan got engaged in May and the wedding date is set for December 19th, 2009.) Jon and Ashleigh had us all over for dinner to celebrate our birthdays. Ashleigh made my family’s traditional watermelon basket (which my mom used to make for my July birthday). It was good to spend time with both my brothers and sisters-in-law (one future).IMG_1959[1] (2)IMG_2857

Mom J also made me a watermelon basket — and right now I’m using the gift Dad&Mom J got me/us!

In other news . . .according to, little baby J is now the size of a turnip!


Summer in Review (Mt. Mitchell)

July 18-19 Family Mt Mitchell Trip & Ken's Birthday Meal 014In July between my 2nd and 3rd classes, we had a Jensen family weekend. Friday night we went to an Italian restaurant IMG_2858Summer 2009 1-1and had some amazing stuffed pizza and then attended the BJU summer play in Performance Hall.

On Saturday we went to Mount Mitchell, North Carolina. (Mt. Mitchell is the highest point east of the Mississippi.) We had grilled hotdogs for lunch and then went on some hikes around the area (I will admit that since I was in my first trimester, the hiking really wore me out . . . at one point I didn’t think I could go on much longer and was glad that my husband gave me a piggyback ride so I could have a short rest!).

And that pretty much sums up our summer in review. The rest of the time was spent in class and (for me) in studying/researching and (for Josh) working. Our road trip home was fun – we headed up to PA/NJ to visit my parents, grandma, and great grandma and then took three days driving from PA to TX. We were delighted to make it home safe and sound!

Summer in Review (Our Anniversary)

Summer 2009 1This past June, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary. And yes, this picture is actually from this summer.  Mom J needed a picture to match with the other siblings’ wedding shots on the wall, so we got dressed up again and had a mini photo shoot – it was fun to be in our wedding clothes again! Our anniversary fell on a Sunday before one of my Summer 2009-2mid-term exams, so instead of a big to-do, we celebrated that day rather simply by going to church and exchanging cards.Summer 2009

After school was over we got away for our wedding anniversary celebration for two nights at a bed and breakfast in Spartanburg —  The Inn on Main. We had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying a break after our very busy summer. When we arrived, the owner upgraded our room to the best in the house — the bridal suite — since the air conditioning was out on the bottom floor (where our reserved room was), and the wedding couple who had reserved the bridal suite decided they wanted a smaller room. We were delighted by our upgrade.Summer 2009-1

Baby’s First Gift

IMG_0728My parents send us some little hats for Baby J (due February 18th). Now we have officially starting our baby’s wardrobe. It’s so neat to think that these little hats are going to fit on a little head that will join our family. Just to get used to it, I’m practicing with our little panther.


Last week, both Josh and I started school. We have a busy semester ahead of us. My teaching schedule is much better than last year. This year I’ll be seeing every class (32 altogether) once a week, instead of for a whole week every six weeks. Josh is teaching a class on MW nights and taking classes on TTH afternoons. We’re looking forward to a good semester.

Summer in Review (Canaan Land)

IMG_8869After our visit with Grandma Martin, we headed to NC to spend the rest of the week with my parents and sister at Canaan Land. We enjoyed our week relaxing in the mountains of NC and the time we were able to spend with my family. We spent most of our week hiking around the mountains and waterfalls. It was nice to be away from the busyness of technology and school life. A great break before my summer classes.

Canaan Land 2009 Canaan Land 20091Canaan Land 20093Canaan Land 20092

8 weeks and home

Summer 2009 Trip

We’re home to our apartment after 8 weeks away! We arrived yesterday evening at 7 pm CT. It’s so good to be home after two months away. Our apartment is bigger than I remember!

Total miles traveled: 4,800

Route (major destinations bold): Texas – Louisiana – Mississippi – Alabama – Georgia – South Carolina – North CarolinaSouth Carolina – North Carolina – Virginia – West Virginia – Maryland – PennsylvaniaNew Jersey – Pennsylvania – Maryland – West Virginia – Kentucky – Tennessee – Mississippi – Arkansas – Texas

Total states: 15

Oldest person visited: Great-Grandma Hanyen (100 years old in May)

Places slept:

  • Staybridge Suites, Jackson MS (credit card points)
  • Grandma Martin’s, Atlanta GA
  • Canaanland, Toxaway NC
  • Mom and Dad Jensen, Greenville SC (6 weeks!)
  • The Inn on Main, Spartanburg SC (anniversary)
  • Mom and Dad Sutter, Dover PA
  • Michael and Erin Lyons, Louisville KY
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Olive Branch MS (credit card points)

A great big thank-you to friends and family who put us up and fed us! More pictures to come at a later time.

Credit hours earned: 9 (my last three classes!)

Oral Comprehensive Exam: Passed!

Groceries from Grandma Sutter:Groceries from Grandma